As of 2024, the submission of a Screen Flanders support application will be fully digital.
Application login is through Vlaams Toegangsbeheer (Flemish Access Management) and can be done in various ways (itsme, eID and card reader, security code by text, etc.). Please note that login is restricted to the legal representatives of the production company. They may assign rights to an employee to file a support application on behalf of the company. When the employee leaves the company, the rights must be revoked in Toegangsbeheer (Access Management). More information about rights management can be found on the site of Vlaams Toegangsbeheer (Flemish Access Management).
Before beginning your application, please read our gebruikershandleiding (user guidelines). It provides a screen-by-screen display of the information you will need to enter or upload, and enables you to prepare your application as efficiently as possible. In addition to entering the account number of the applicant-company, you will need to upload a bank certificate. Be sure to request this from your bank in good time.
Files submitted through the online application can also be tracked in the system.
Compulsory attachments
The application consists of several steps:
- Company
- Contact
- Requirements
- Audiovisual work
- Cultural test
- Financing
- Receipts
- Annexes
- Statement on Honour
Templates for compulsory uploads of attachment 1 (additional information with the application), attachment 3 (project budget), attachments 13 (OIM check) and attachment 16 (recoupment statement) are available for download below.
If the audiovisual work for which you are submitting a support application is based on another existing work or IP, you have two options:
- You upload a digital copy of the original work as a digital attachment;
- Before the deadline, you schedule an appointment to hand in a physical copy at the Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw, Simon Bolivarlaan 17 in Brussels. You can also send the documents by post to the following address:

VLAIO - Screen Flanders
Promotional costs such as, but not confined to, Prints & Advertising (P&A), must be eliminated from the financing and expenses of the project budget.
Application checklist
Use the following checklist to ensure your application file is complete and admissible:
- has the project budget been completed in the Excel template?
- do all documents relating to funding viewed as available (or at least 50% of the total budget) satisfy the conditions for confirmed funding?
- have all contracts, agreements and annexes in attachments been signed?
- are all the required attachments included?
Screen Flanders applications can only be made in response to a call. The application file must be submitted between the opening of the call and the 12.00 deadline for that call.
No more changes may be made to the online application file after the submission date.
For support applications approved since the first call of 2024, you need to request the payment of the instalments of the Screen Flanders support via the online application.
You can find the different steps to follow in the user guide here below (Handleiding uitbetalingsaanvragen in Dutch).
As it is not possible to save a draft version of an instalment request, we recommend reading through the user manual in advance and collecting the following documents:
- the final co-production contract, if not already available in the application file (mandatory for the 1st instalment)
- an updated version of the production budget (mandatory for the 1st & 3rd instalment)
- a motivated update in case of changed expenditure (see amendments form - mandatory at each instalment if applicable)
- the shooting schedule (mandatory for the 2nd instalment)
- the call sheet of first day of shooting (mandatory for the 2nd instalment)
- the audit report (mandatory for 3rd instalment)
- the supplier list (mandatory for 3rd instalment)
The funding plan needs to be updated at each instalment. The final contracts and agreements for each funding source need to be included at this stage. When applying for the 1st instalment, 80% of the total production budget and at least 50% of the Belgian federal Tax Shelter amount must already be definitively confirmed. When applying for the 3rd tranche, 100% of the financing must be confirmed.
Once an instalment request has been submitted, it cannot be changed. The conditions for instalment requests and eligible expenses remain unchanged and can be consulted in the Screen Flanders Application Guidelines.
Communication on the admissibility of a submitted application will be sent by email from Please add this email address as a safe sender to your contacts to ensure proper receipt. We also recommend checking your spam box regularly.
The Screen Flanders decision letters will be available in the e-box of the company that submitted the application. The person labelled as contact within the application will also be notified via email.
Legal framework
General Block Exemption Regulation:
Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1084 of 14 June 2017 amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014
Flemish (in Dutch)
The Screen Flanders Decree:
Decreet van 16 maart 2012 betreffende het economisch ondersteuningsbeleid
Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 8 december 2017 tot toekenning van steun aan audiovisuele werken van het type lange fictie-, documentaire of animatiefilm, of animatiereeksen (aangehaald als het besluit Screen Flanders)
Ministerial Decree Screen Flanders:
Ministerieel besluit van 23 februari 2018 houdende uitvoering en wijziging van het besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 8 december 2017 tot toekenning van steun aan audiovisuele werken van het type lange fictie-, documentaire of animatiefilm, of animatiereeksen (aangehaald als het besluit Screen Flanders)
Ministerieel besluit tot wijziging van artikel 3, 4 en 12 en de bijlage bij het ministerieel besluit van 23 februari 2018 houdende uitvoering en wijziging van het besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 8 december 2017 tot toekenning van steun aan audiovisuele werken van het type lange fictie-, documentaire of animatiefilm, of animatiereeksen (aangehaald als het besluit Screen Flanders - coronamaatregelen)
Ministerial Decree 2025:
Ministerial Decree 2024:
Ministerieel besluit houdende de uitvoering van artikel 33 van het besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 8 december 2017 tot toekenning van steun aan audiovisuele werken van het type lange fictie-, documentaire of animatiefilm, of animatiereeksen (aangehaald als het besluit Screen Flanders), wat betreft de modaliteiten van de oproepen in 2024
Ministerial Decree Calls 2023:
Ministerial Decree Calls 2021:
Ministerial Decree Calls 2020:
Ministerial Decree Calls 2019:
Ministerial Decree Calls 2018:
The legal framework of applications submitted before 2018 can be obtained on request.